On the 17th March 2021 POPI celebrated its 4th Birthday.

So many amazing things have happened and we’ve grown so much too!

  • From humble beginnings (a garden shed) to 3 more premises – each wonderful in their own way.
  • From collecting every donation to people kindly bringing them to us.
  • From working alone to a supportive team of trustees and volunteers.
  • From no-one knowing about us to hundreds of support workers using our service and the help of local businesses and funders.
  • From not having any money to pay for new mattresses etc to being able to meet every single referral.
  • But most importantly from helping 0 families to helping over 1300 – an average of 1 family every day for the last 4 years – now that is the best news ever! (We only started recording numbers from Nov 2017).

Thank you for all the beautiful ways your kindness has touched the families we support. Parents who were alone but now have hope because you cared enough to act. Without you so many babies and children would have gone without the things that they need to live a safe and happy life.